Winter holiday composition

Winter vacations are a time to relax and spend quality time with family and friends.

 During this period, students enjoy various activities such as skiing, snowboarding, skating, sledding etc.

Students go on winter vacation during December. Their parents bring gifts for them. They light up the house with Christmas lights and other decorations. They buy stars, small bells, candy, and reindeer to decorate it.

Families gather together to celebrate holidays. Kids look forward to the cakes and sweets prepared by their mothers. New Year is celebrated by inviting or being invited to relatives’ places.

Winter Holiday Composition Example 1

Winter Vacations are wonderful times for people to spend quality time with their families and friends. Children love playing outdoors, running around, making art, and visiting relatives. 

Many people travel during winter vacations to escape cold weather and enjoy warm temperatures. Some people choose to stay close by because they want to see the beautiful scenery and experience the warmth of the sun.

In the northern hemisphere, with winter comes the vibe of festivals. People should also remember that they should give a warm sweater to a person who needs it. 

Also, they should remember to be kind to other people around them, especially if they’re having a bad day.

There is no definite rule on what you should do when you’re on holiday. You should take time out to relax and enjoy yourself. Once your holiday is over, you should go back to work refreshed.

Winter Holiday Composition Example 2

Winter vacations are very important to students because they give us an opportunity to rest and relax. 

Students should maintain a strict schedule during the holidays. They should also be careful about what they eat and drink.

My cousin’s house is very far away from mine, but we still manage to make plans to hang out together during winter break. 

We usually go skiing, play basketball, watch movies, and eat pizza.

Sometimes I go to their place and sometimes he comes. This year, I met them at their place that was a great moment. We enjoyed it a whole lot. 

We were lots of cousins, when meeting together we enjoyed a lot.

 Winter Holiday Composition Example 3

On my  vacation, I visited my uncle’s place and had three cousins there. They seemed very happy to see me. Also, my parents were having a great time with my uncle and aunt. 

We spent lots of time with grandma; she shared lots of interesting stories.

I had a great time this winter vacation. I went skiing, snowboarding, sledding, ice skating, and many more things.

 I also visited some places like museums, parks, zoos, and much more. I really enjoyed myself.

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