What Best Contributes To Clear Writing

The first step is planning. Determine what you would like to write about, and then think about how you’ll write itdown, and finally, write it. The next step is of proofreading and editing, and then more editing. Make sure that each word is a worthy addition to the.

A small percentage of people lack writing skills that allow them to do it fluently and with perfection,” said noted technical writer Marvin H. Swift “Most of us are forced to go through the process of revising writing, drafting and redrafting until you get it just right.”

You can also reduce your writing tears and sweat by using the use of a few tools. One of them is speed. A clear writing style is concise.

What is Clear Writing?

Writing with clarity is an strategy that was first described by Robert Gunning in his classic 1952 book, The Technique of Clear Writing. The principles he outlined have been used in subsequent classic writing texts There isn’t a model or formula; clear writing is about communicating ideas with clarity as well as precision, clarity, and directness.

Tips To Clean And Clear Writing

Utilize vibrant verbs. Check your writing for overuse of the word “to be”–is”is,” “be” and their variations, and other supporting verbs like has, as well as weak verbs, such as do and go, and then replace the active words with those that are active. Avoid common action words whenever you can. For instance, people don’t simply walk. They walk or march or walk. Do not try to eliminate all instances however, you should limit the use of unclear verbs.

Be Clear About Your Meaning

It is important to select the word that best defines your purpose. A lot of words have denotation and connotation. They have the literal meaning (denotation) as well as an emotional or a recognizable sense (connotation).

Short Words

“I am a lover of words however I’m not a fan of weird one,” said American humorist and entertainer Will Rogers (1879-1935). “You don’t know them, and they don’t get it.” The readers do not understand them as wellor, at the very least they are in awe of them.

Be Concise

The use of unnecessary words may diminish the significance of your message. Therefore, take a look at your drafts carefully to find phrases as well as words that appear redundant (needlessly repeated) or are not necessary.


In the phrase “connect together the word “together” appears redundant.

The expression that is used at this moment in time is able to be replaced by the word “now..

Write for Your Reader

Choose a target group of people and write to the intended audience. Writers who are good at it always make sure that their audience is in their minds. Use these suggestions:

  • Be sure to ask yourself what your intended audience wants to be aware of (not what you’d like to share).
  • If you’re writing for multiple audiences, you should consider making multiple documents.
  • Make use of “you” to connect to your reader

Keep It Simple

The length of sentences or the complexity of sentences aren’t always the best for sentence writing. Sometimes, a single sentence can be a potent punch. Learn how to cut out the any unnecessary fluff and to adjust your writing style to suit your style of writing and your intended audience. A simple message can make more effective communication.

Always Use The Serial Comma

If you are listing more than two items add a comma prior to the conjunction before the last item. The absence of a comma could cause confusion regarding the organization of the list however, insertion of it causes confusion.

Short Sentences

Research conducted by The American Press Institute shows that readers find sentences that contain 8 or less words easy to comprehend … phrases that contain 11 words are simple … as are sentences with 14 words are easy to comprehend. A sentence with 17 words is a standard.

Eliminate Unnecessary Words And Phrases

Do not choose to use two words, when one suffices and you’re about to cut 3 or 4 words since one word will suffice.

I read to gain knowledge on the globe.I read to find out more about my world.
He’ll be back within the next few days.He’ll be back in a bit.
We travel to ensure that we can discover the world.We travel to discover the world.

Provide Context

If you are able to know a topic very well it’s easy to forget that the majority people who read your blog don’t possess the exact knowledge. Remember that every message requires the context of its message to be effectively communicated.

  • What background information about your topic do your target viewers have? In light of the goal of the message you are delivering, how much details do you need to provide them?
  • If your message includes pictures or illustrations Are they clearly connected to the subject matter through captions and location?

Change Your Style

The writing you write for the public health field is about your readers. It’s not about showing off your proficiency in linguistics. Write not in order to please your reader.create content to connect with them. Make sure you are clear and eliminate unnecessary information. It’s OK to keep it conversational. Make sure you:

  • Make use of the contractions (write “aren’t,” not “are not”).
  • Be specific (write “analyzed,” not “conducted an analysis”)
  • Make use of simple terms (write “use,” not “utilize”).
  • Make use of Pronouns (like “you” as well as “we”).

Utilize Concrete Rhetoric.

If you’re trying to incite the public to take action or make a change it’s not a good idea to define things in terms of “sort of” crucial, particularly in the case of trying to persuade people to give to a cause or even protest an occasion. Utilize direct language to create an impactful image, communicate significance, and generate an emotional connection

Short Sections

Sections are a set of paragraphs which are combined to convey a message or convey an idea. Similar to paragraphs, you have plenty of flexibility in the length of your section is. With today’s extremely limited attention spans shorter is more effective.

Hyphenate Phrasal Adjectives.

If a two-word expression isn’t listed on the dictionary’s list as an open compound, it’s not excluded from the use of hyphens. The exception can be made for words of art (vocabulary specifically relating to a particular topic or field and widely known to the public) However, be careful with this option and make sure that the open phrasal adjectives aren’t confusing or confusing.

Let That Go!

Okay The phrase “that” is essential for it’s place in the English language. But, it’s also used more often than it should be. For instance, “that” is paramount to this sentence:

  • Here is an illustration of the kind of sentence that is effective.

You don’t need “that” to be used in a sentence such as:

  • We decided we were going to the shop.

  • We decided that we would go to the market.

In actuality, we may use too much of “that” 90% of the time.

Check For Muddled Phrases

The way you phrase your sentences can confuse or obscure the purpose the meaning of the sentence.

Example: After being an association member for a long time I believe the Ms. Smith deserves to be named Emeritus.

In the preceding sentence do the words “been a member for decades” been an active member of the group for many years refer to the author or the author or to Mr. Smith?

This revised sentence is clearer I believe it is the case that. Smith, having been an associate member for a long time, is deserving to be recognized as an emeritus member.

Restore Your The Basics

The simplest structure to grasp in English is subject-verb-object. Do not confuse writing with complex grammar patterns. Make sure you write in the active voice. The subjects and verbs close. Make sure to use a clear and strong verb (when the sentence has a hazy tone, the problem is usually a missing or undefined verb).

Use Parallelism.

Sentences are simpler and more enjoyable to read when there is a commonality in their grammatical structures, especially when it comes to lists. This principle is referred to as parallelism, also known as parallel structure or parallel construction. Achieving successful Parallelism “The conclusion was absurd unintentional, inexplicably rushed but also disappointment.” (Three adjectives.)

Avoid Unnecessary “Fancy” Words

Utilize simple words. Paul Anderson, in his book Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach and cites studies that have shown that users can understand simple words faster even if they’re acquainted with more complex counterparts. Below are some frequently-used complex words, along with their simpler alternatives:

If In Doubt, Do Not Over-invest.

If you’re unsure whether the word or phrase you’re looking for is appropriate to capitalize, look for the word in reliable sources. Writers frequently capitalize important Concepts which don’t need such importance, however careful writers do not. (Also for instance, the job title is capitalized prior to an initial name, but not following it, and phrases that are abbreviated remark to names that are proper, like the word “act” when referring to a particular law–are simply the same as generic.)

Mind Your Grammar

The most effective sentences do not suffer from running sentences or mistakes. Sometimes, you’ll create an unfinished sentence or accidentally form fragments when editing or revising. Make sure you spot any unfinished sentences that could be lurking in your writing. A proper grammar style can help give your writing a more polished appearance

Reduce The Needless Repetition

It’s not always just enjoyable, it’s vital. It can enhance a writer’s purpose and bring a particular theme into the center of attention. If your repetition isn’t purposeful, you should cut it out. There’s a lot of repetition in many “fluffy” phrases. For instance, you can modify:

  • According to me, I’d recommend you study further before you take the plunge.

“In my view” and “I’d prefer” convey the same concept.

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