Tips for an interview

An interview is a very important part of any job application process. You should be prepared for anything. Try to relax and breathe deeply. Answer questions calmly and confidently.

Dress formally for the interview – remember, every occasion requires a suit. First impressions matter a lot, even in an interview, hence wear a formal suit.

Guidelines For Interviewer – Candidate Interaction

Following are some important tips and guidelines to remember when attending an interview:

  •  Show up on time for the interview – it is better to arrive an hour early than a moment late.
  •  Research the company and the role – make sure you know what the company does and the position you are applying for.
  •  Make sure your resume highlights points that are relevant for the job – this includes highlighting skills you have learned during your career and any experience you have gained.
  • Dress smartly – first impression matters a lot.
  •  Be polite – manners and business etiquettes are quite important. 
  • Practice how you speak. 
  • Identify your strengths – be honest about your skills and qualification.
  •  Keep a go-getter approach. 
  • Ask questions to the employer if possible.Don’t worry about being nervous or anxious during an interview. Just take a deep breath and carry on with your job interview.
  • Be on time for the interview. Be polite and ensure that you know about the company and the job role. 
  • Think carefully before answering questions. Don’t lie or exaggerate.

Types Of Positive Verbal Communication For Interviewing

Positive verbal communication is the use of speaking skills that help you to present the best aspects of yourself in the context of the position for which you are applying for. 

When combined with positive Non-Verbal Communication, such as smiling, upright posture and a strong handshake, a job applicant can leave an excellent impression upon the hiring managers with whom he/she interviews. In this article, I provide examples of positive verbal communications skills to show best practices in an interview setting.

The way you speak to the interviewer will set the tone for what you are perceived as being throughout the interview. You want to be friendly and open-minded, but also professional and confident.

Using Appropriate Pitch And Volume

Medium-low pitch, medium volume, polite speech, and a calm demeanor are important qualities when speaking to someone. These traits should be used when talking to people about serious matters.

Active Listening Skills

To speak well, it is important to listen well. Pay close attention to the words spoken by the interviewer and stay focused. Show your interest by nodding, smiling or using words and phrases such as ‘I see,’ ‘That’s interesting’ or ‘I’ll definitely note that point.’ Write down any interesting points you may want to refer back to later.

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