Tips for an interview

The following are some important tips and guidelines for attending an interview:

  • Be on Time for the Interview: It is better to be 1 hour early than a minute later. 
  • Do Your Research – about the Company and the role you are applying for.
  • Update Your Resume – Ensure that you highlight points which are relevant for the job you are applying for for.
  • Dress formally for the interview—remember, every occasion requires a suit or a dress. First impressions matter a lot, therefore dress appropriately.


Good dress sense is very important. Manners and etiquette are also important. You should practice what you need to say. Being honest is also important. You should ask questions of the interviewer if he or she is willing to answer them.

Don’t be nervous or anxious, just take a deep breath.

Be on time for the interview. Be polite and ensure that you know what you want. Don’t lie about yourself or your qualifications. Think carefully before answering questions.

What are interviews?

Interviews are conversations where one party asks questions and another responds. Commonly, interviews are conducted face-to-face, but they can also be done over the phone or via video conference.

Interviews can be unstructured and open-ended. A focused interview allows you to guide the conversation towards your main topic. 

Follow-up questions allow you to get more information about what was said before. This helps you understand the accuracy and relevance of the response. An interview can also eliminate distortions caused by others being present.

Face-to-face interviews help people get to know each other better. It also makes them feel comfortable around each other. In addition, face-to-face interviews can make the interview session more fun.

Interviewer Bias

Interviewers should try to be as objective as possible when conducting interviews. 

This means that they shouldn’t let personal feelings or opinions influence what they ask questions about. Also, interviewees should be given the opportunity to ask any questions that they want to know more about.

The Purpose of Interviews

Research interviews are conducted by phone or computer. Interviews are used to gather information about people’s knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, etc., usually in order to help them make decisions. 

  • Knowledge transfer interviews involve asking someone who knows something about your topic to talk to you about it. 
  • Mall intercept interviews are done when you go into a mall and ask people questions.
  •  Online interviews are done over the Internet. 
  • Qualitative interviews are done using structured questionnaires. 
  • Unstructured interviews are done without any sort of structure. 
  • College interviews are done as part of college admissions. 
  • Reference interviews are done by librarians. 
  • Journalism and media interviews are done by journalists.

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