Gmat waiver letter example

I am an applicant who wants to attend MIT but doesn’t have a high enough GMAT score. I am applying for the program because I want to learn about business management and leadership. 

I believe my ability to succeed in this program will be greatly enhanced by having access to MIT’s resources and opportunities. Therefore, I am requesting a GMAT waiver.

GMAT Waiver Letter Example 1

Dear Admissions Committee,

this letter is to request a waiver of the GMAT requirement. My career experience includes financial analysis and prognosis of corporate clients, as well as financial and statistical analysis of different business sectors. 

In my eight years in the bank sector, my daily responsibilities involved financial analyses and prognostications of corporate clients, as well as the financial and statistical analyses of various business sectors. 

In my current position, I am responsible for the valuation and analysis of value drivers in different sectors.

Based on these examples, I think that I have enough analytical skills to meet the requirements of the EMBA program, 



GMAT Waiver Letter Example 2

Dear Admissions Committee,

A great letter of application is very important when applying for admission into a graduate program. To get admitted, you must first write a letter of recommendation. In this case, we recommend writing a GRE waiver letter sample.

I am a student at University of California San Diego majoring in Computer Science. My name is __________. I am requesting an internship at Google because I want to learn more about computer science. 

I believe that my skills and experience will be useful to Google and I hope to work there after graduation.



GMAT Waiver Letter Example 3

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am an MBA student who wants to get a GMAT waiver because I want to study abroad. I have a bachelor degree in accounting and I have been working as a financial analyst for the past 2 years. 

My work experience includes managing accounts receivable and payable, preparing monthly reports, and analyzing data. I have also worked in a bank as a loan officer. I have done well in my job and have received several promotions.

 I have attended many training sessions and seminars related to finance. I have also participated in various projects and competitions. I have won several awards for my performance.

 I have also written articles for journals and magazines. I have also published research papers.



How To Write Successful GMAT Waiver Request Letters? 

Many people consider an MBA degree to be a golden ticket into a dream job with a lucrative salary. However, many students struggle with the application process due to lack of preparation or poor performance on standardized tests.

In this article, we will discuss how you can write successful waiver request letters and how you can get GMAT waived.We will also discuss how you should shortlist schools to apply to with a GMAT waiver.

These days, there are several MBA programs associated with GMAT waivers. This means that if you’re eligible, you can apply without having to take the GMAT. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll be accepted into any program. You still need to get your application in and make sure that you’ve met all the requirements.


A GMAT waiver allows an applicant to waive the requirement of submitting a GMAT score. Schools grant GMAT waivers at the discretion of admissions officers who evaluate each GMat waiver application letter. 

There are some schools where the waivers are automatically granted to applicants who meet certain criteria. You can have a quick look at the top schools granting GMAT waivers by looking at the list of schools that waive GMAT for the upcoming year.

Universities such as 

  • Syracuse University, 
  • UNC (University of North Carolina), 
  • GW (George Washington University) and
  •  NJIT (New Jersey institute of technology) automatically grant GMAT waivers for applicants having more than 5 years of work experience whereas New Jersey Institute of Technology does not.

Tips For Your GMAT Waiver 

 A GMAT Waiver Letter is a written request a student makes to the college asking them for a waiver on their GMAT score – a necessary requirement that most colleges ask the applicant to have. This type of letter can help you get accepted in an MBA with a gmat waiver. 

An MBA GMAt Waiver Letter should include evidence – like names, dates, courses, certificates, medical reports, etc. – that can help you with your demand.

A GMAT waiver letter should explain why you want to waive your GMAT® score, and why you think you can succeed despite your poor GMAT® score.

A successful GMAT waiver letter must contain evidence that convinces the reader to grant your waiver request. It should follow the format of other letters and be written in formal English. You need to pay close attention to your grammar.

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