The choice of your A-levels is an individual choice You’ll know what subjects you believe are most for your abilities and interest.
With that stated, there is an overall consensus that some subjects are more ‘easy’ than others, due to their high rates of passing.
The decision of choosing the subjects you’d like to learn at A-Level is among the most crucial and stressful decisions of your life.
The A-Levels are the foundation for your college education and the future, and you need to ensure that you’re choosing subjects you’re both interested in and have a tendency to do well in.
What Are The Best A-Levels You Can Study?
The best A Levels are very subjective and it’s not without reason. It’s not worth choosing to study Film Studies instead of Law in the event that you are thinking to become a lawyer. The choice should be the one that best suits your needs abilities, interests, and skills.
What’s The Easiest A-Level?
The choice of your A-Levels is an significant choices you make in your life. They are the subjects you must pass with flying colors if are looking to attend university after you graduate from the school. If you’re seeking an easier way to go through the A-Levels, then you’ve come to the correct spot. This is 10 of the easiest A-Levels , with exceptionally high rates of passing.
1. Business Studies
Even though it is the most difficult topic on our list of the easiest A-Levels to pass, Business Studies still boasts the highest pass rate, which is 98 percent.
In terms of the subjects, the ones that you’ll learn about include topics like the Fundamentals of Marketing Business Strategy, Fundamentals of Finance and Team Structures. These will give an outline of business terms procedures, processes, and terms.
For those interested in Business and Entrepreneurship These will likely be subjects that you already know about. This is particularly true for students who have taken Business as a GCSE level.
2. Archaeology
The material is quite simple to master, and there’s not an awful much to master. A lot of it is common sense. If you were a fan of history in your GCE, you’ll be interested in archaeology more.
The A-Level pass rate for Archaeology for 2018 was 97.8 percent. This isn’t a great figure However, this is because some students who take the course don’t really enjoy the subject, and therefore fail to do well on their examinations.
3. Film Studies
If you are a fan of films and movies, this course is for you. Of course, there’s more to this course than just sitting and watching movies however, as a film fan, the content is very interesting.
This will make studying for tests seem like an easier task. Certain providers of this A-Level can give you the chance to make your own work for example, short film or screenplay.
4. Sociology
Sociology A-Level is definitely less difficult to pass than the other A-Levels. If you put in an effort to study the basics, you stand a the chance to do very well.
Although Sociology is a course that is heavily based on content It’s a great idea to think of creative methods to remember the concepts you’ll be learning.
One of the most effective methods to accomplish this is to create your own videos that present the subject as if you were a newscaster.
5. Art
It is considered to be the most imaginative A-Level, all students who are drawn to creativity will be able to flourish in Art. However, the majority of the subject that frequently frustrates students is the assessment aspect.
It means that students must evaluate each piece of art they make. Additionally, there is the possibility of writing in extended form and if this is one of your strengths A-Level Art is an ideal option for you. With an average passing rate of 98.8 percent, Art has one of the highest passing rates among all A-Levels.
6. Textiles
Another subject that is based on practicality and which is included on our list of the easiest A-level subjects is Textiles mostly due to its coursework-based assessment method however this is contingent on your personal learning style.
In 2019the pass rate was in the 100 percent range, indicating that it’s likely to be quite simple to earn a passing grade.
7. Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care is one of the easiest A-level subjects available. Health and Social Care is technically an BTEC This means that the entire course is equivalent to two A-Levels.
What is what makes Health and Social Care relatively simple is the fact that a large portion of the course is practical experiences in the workplace, such as at hospitals or schools This is great in case you’re not a lover of writing endless papers.
8. Law
At 8 in our ranking of easy A-levels to pass is Law. With a passing rate of less than 90%, this isn’t as easy as breezeing through. Yet in the real world, this appears to be among the subjects that students do well in.
Concerning the assessments that is required for A-Level Law It’s all exam-based which is good news for students who be awed by the pressures of the exam room. The majority of exam boards provide three examination papers that are equally weighted.
9. Food Studies
A-level Food Studies doesn’t contain many topics however it isn’t difficult to grasp. It’s very similar to GCSE and a lot of the material is directly from.
The subject is seen by the majority of students as a “third option which is to say that it only serves as a supplement to your other two options. You can make it your first choice, however I would not recommend it.
10. Classical Civilization
Classical Civilisation is a particularly easy A-Level, in particular because it doesn’t require languages like Greek as well as Latin.
The course focuses on Classical Civilisation, you get to explore fascinating texts from the world of the past as you study the culture of architecture, art and theatre.
The study of this subject is of the early Greek as well as Roman Civilisation, encompassing a wide range of disciplines, including Literature, History, Archaeology as well as Art History.
However, what many people don’t realize is that you don’t require a deep understanding or knowledge of Greek as well as Latin to be able to understand the subject.
11. Information Technology (IT)
Similar to Food Studies, A-Level IT is also like its GCSE counterpart. A majority of the content is a matter of common sense as well as the reality that the majority of people own a smartphone or computer nowadays is that you’ll familiar with the majority of the material.
12. Religious Studies
With a passing rate of nearly 90%, it’s easy to see that religious Studies is so high among our lists of the most difficult to the simplest A-Levels.
It’s also among the most sought-after A-Levels students can choose to take due to the vast array of transferable skills that you will acquire due to its essay-based test structure.
Are A-Levels A Breeze?
Even the so-called easy A-level isn’t an easy walk. It is not possible to avoid doing your homework and getting excellent scores. A certain amount of effort will always be required. Therefore, the most straightforward A Level for you will be one that
- You’re passionate about
- You’re skilled at
- You can find something fascinating
It’s no surprise that A-Levels aren’t simple academic endeavors. In their nature, they are demanding; meant to challenge your abilities in academics to prepare students for studies at universities.
With that stated, there are a few subjects that have generally good pass rates and are believed among students as being easier to master’ than more theoretical ones.